Autoclaves for the production of steam-cured building materials

You can rely on us because the services and performances of Xirtue are individually tailored to fit your needs. With our experience team and autoclaves warrant an optimally construed fabrication of autoclaves.Every one of Xirtue autoclaves for steam-cured building materials is custom built. Hence, we take the greatest effort to fulfils all our customer’s requirements right down to the slightest detail. This also applies to services and performances, which are not explicitly listed in our delivery program. Talk to us! We will take care of your requests.

Autoclaves:Complete autoclaves and units for the production of steam-cured building materials. Additional components: Condensation systems, feeding carts, steam valve frames etc. are all part of our universal delivery program.

Fabrication: Construction and fabrication according to International regulations Quality Control System, as per location standard requirements ASME, CE, GB, Ghost, JIS.

Quality Control System:  Application of the most modern production facilities. All necessary tests can be carried out on-site. This guaranties high quality, proven product characteristics at the highest level of safety.

Building materials: Autoclaves for the production of aerated concrete as well as gypsum, concrete and fiber cement board, building materials.

Technical Data: The autoclaves can be manufactured in all requested diameters and lengths. Here are the most popular diameters and common working pressures depending on the product.